A New Years Challenge: The Names of Jesus

As Christian creatives we often see things in picture. We take concepts or feelings and visualize them in something concrete. We see God and His plan in the changing seasons and other things of nature. We create our pictures to produce an emotional response from those seeing our art. We understand the wisdom delivered in the parables Jesus told, because He was speaking our language…the language of story.

I believe God’s Word gives us pictures in the names of Jesus.

Yeshua (Jesus)  has many names in the Bible and each name reflects something important about His character, mission and His relationship with us His believers.

I thought with the New Year ahead, we’d take a look at all these names and spend time reading and meditating on the verses and their context.  Let’s start our New Year focused on Hope…the Hope of our Salvation. I challenge you to journal each name, the accompanying scripture, and something you glean about Jesus.

Have a blessed and fruitful New Year.

The Names of Jesus:

  1. The Word: John 1:1-5
  2. Immanuel: Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:23
  3. The Perfect Lamb: Isaiah 53:7; John 1:29; I Peter 1:18-19
  4. The True Vine: John 15:1-5
  5. The Rock of our Salvation: Psalms 18:2, 46; I Corinthians 3:10-11
  6. The Light of the World: John 1:4, I John 2:8-11
  7. The Living Water: John 4:7-26; John 7:37
  8. The Bread of Life: John 6:35-40; 51
  9. The Messiah: Micah 5:2; Luke 2:4-7
  10. The Lord of Lords and King of Kings: I Timothy 6:12-16
  11. The Way:  John 14:6
  12. The Lord: Romans 10:9
  13. The Mediator: I Timothy 2:5
  14. The Son: John 3:36
  15. The Perfect Sacrifice: Hebrews 10:12
  16. The Redeemer: Job 19:25-27; John 8:36
  17. The Propitiation for our sins: I John 2:2
  18. Love: I John 4:16; Romans 5:8
  19. The Truth: John 17:17
  20. Alpha and Omega: Revelations 1:8

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This article appears unedited by our resident editor Barby Molnar.

Tammy Carter Adams is the founder of The Hallelujah House and co-host of The Hallelujah House podcast. When she’s not creating content, Tammy enjoys spending time with her husband Jay and their four children. She resides in Central Florida.

December 2023

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